Items: (5 entries) Items[0] Bounds: x1=307, y1=195, x2=432, y2=221 Type: 4 Info: OK Items[1] Bounds: x1=12, y1=6, x2=255, y2=222 Type: -64 Info: Ož Items[2] Bounds: x1=264, y1=9, x2=472, y2=91 Type: -120 Info: If you have enjoyed this demo and would like to order a copy of SPIN & SPELL, send a check or money order for $39.00 plus $3.00 (S&H) to: Items[3] Bounds: x1=288, y1=97, x2=456, y2=147 Type: -120 Info: Southeastern Software 7743 Briarwood Drive New Orleans, LA 70128 Items[4] Bounds: x1=266, y1=154, x2=478, y2=188 Type: -120 Info: or call us at: (504) 246-8438 with your VISA or Master Card.